So I asked one of the nurses what they were, and she explained,
“They’re air purifying plugs called
ION Pure. They help circulate the air and they pump out negative ions which
neutralize and deactivate any harmful pollutants, bacteria, or viruses from the air that could be harmful to our elderly patients.”
I asked her how they worked and she went on,
ION Pure is a small, discrete plug-in air purifiers designed to combat some of the strongest odors, bacteria, viruses, cigarette smoke, mold, and mildew. It combats all of these airborne toxins and more with the effective purifying combination of
activated oxygen and ionization. Activated oxygen and negatively charged ions create an electrical bond with positively charged organisms like viruses,
sterilizing the air, deactivating the virus, leaving it dead and unable to spread to those around it. ”
“Brilliant” I thought.