Does gloomy weather make you feel sad? Does the lack of sunlight put you in a bad mood?
These are some common symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder aka SAD. You might have not heard that, but many people suffer from this condition. Especially now that we spend most of our time locked in our homes.
Around 5% of American adults experience seasonal depression. But most of them feel helpless and embarrassed as they don’t consider SAD as a serious problem. They couldn’t be more wrong.
Also known as the “winter blues”, seasonal depression is a health condition that needs immediate treatment.
The good news is that everyone can cure SAD symptoms easily and fast without any pills or special treatments. The only thing you need is … light!
Discover the miraculous properties of Moodozi – the SAD lamp that will drastically improve your mood by using light!
Moodozi is a therapeutic SAD lamp that can work as your own personal sun! Yes, this can actually happen. Moodozi was designed to imitate natural sunlight. You can even choose between morning or evening sunlight!
Moodozi instantly transforms short, depressing, cloudy days into long, sunny, summer ones! You can now enjoy all the natural healing benefits of the sun even during the winter. Isn’t it wonderful?
What is important about Moodozi is that it uses UV radiation. This means that it’s 100% safe to use it all day long without worrying about damaging your skin or your eyes. You can also program it to shut off automatically through its embedded timer.
Moodozi comes with two different modes:
– High-Intensity Light: Ultra-bright morning light that it’s best for boosting your energy and helping you concentrate.
– Low-Intensity Light: Relaxing sunset light that can help you calm down, feel cozy and sleep well.
Lack of sleep, brain fog and mood swings are some of the SAD symptoms. Light therapy has been proved to be very helpful and many people managed to fight off seasonal depression by switching Moodozi on!
Natural mood booster – Moodozi is a quick and natural relief from SAD and can make you feel optimistic and cheerful.
Be more productive – Light therapy is proven to boost your energy and help you concentrate.
Naturally improve your sleep cycle – Moodozi helps you establish healthy sleep habits and improves drastically your sleep quality.
Enjoy a balanced and healthy diet – Seasonal depression affects your appetite and makes you crave unhealthy foods such as carbs and sweets.
Wake up refreshed and motivated – Less caffeine, more energy!
According to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), a SAD lamp should have a power of 10,000 lux to work effectively and be used as a SAD treatment.
Yet, most lamps that you’ll find out there provide 2,500 – 3,000 lux light which is not enough and doesn’t help you feel better at all!
And not only that, but they cost a fortune! Imagine spending that big amount of money just to find out that they’re totally useless.
On the contrary, Moodozi provides 10,000 lux of fluorescent, UV-free light. This means that you have to sit in front of it for only 30 minutes to benefit!
Right now, Moodozi is the first light on the market that has a power of 10,000 lux, delivers actual results and doesn’t cost over 60$ dollars
Seasonal depression is widely known to scientists, however it still remains a mystery. The only thing that specialists are sure about is that SAD is caused mainly by the lack of light.
So be wise and choose a high-quality lamp that can indeed help with your treatment instead of an expensive and inefficient one just because it’s well advertised!
Moodozi doesn’t need any major advertising campaigns as it relies on its satisfied customer base and its excellent reviews!
Moodozi is currently sold only online. To make it yours, follow these steps:
The official Moodozi is not sold on eBay, AliExpress or Amazon. We advise you to buy it through the official website as this is the only way to make sure that you’re getting the original product and not a counterfeit.
It’s worth every penny to me!!
I have become a better version of myself since I bought it. I’m better at my job. I can function properly and my energy levels have risen up! I also use my phone less. The evening light gives such a cozy feeling and it’s perfect for reading my book before going to sleep.
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